cap digitizing

Cap Digitizing Service | Benefits 2022

Cap Digitizing Service

It is known that to get the best quality, the cap digitizing needs to be done by a professional. This process includes scanning the embroidery designs, converting it to .bmp format, and importing it into software for digitizing designs. The digitized design will then be converted into .dst format for embroidery.

 Software Use


Wilcom is a embroidery digitizing software that is most commonly is renown for its good finishing for cap digitizing.


Embird is modular software for computerized machine embroidery digitizing, quilting and customization.

What do hats stand for business?

The presentation outlines how to use headings, (information) access, typography (fonts), and space in routine professional documents to promote user-centered communication and its continues marketing.

These factors make them an exceptionally difficult part of the recycling process. Cap digitizing services provide a solution to this problem by scanning each cap so it has its own unique identifier, which is then stored in a database.

The benefits of digitizing a cap for embroidery are many.

The first benefit is an increase in the production rate. In most cases, the digitized design takes less time to stitch than a design created by hand, so embroidery production will be faster.

Secondly, you can have up to 2,000 different designs on a single floppy disk that can be easily downloaded onto a computer and then uploaded onto a machine for embroidery.


Our Service

At jafsembprint, we’ve been in the business of helping companies grow by providing them with the best possible solutions for over 10 years. We specialize in cap digitizing to help save time and money!

If you need a cap digitizing service, Japsembprint can help. We will take your old, floppy baseball hat and turn it into a brand new one that is perfectly compatible with today’s technology.

Our process begins by scanning your hat to create a 3-D design of its shape. We then use this data to create a customized, high-quality cap using polyurethane and acrylic.

When you want to put it on, we print a sticker on your cap that is compatible with the same style caps you wear on your head.



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